
Shipping Delay

9th Jul 2024

Shipping Delay

To recharge our batteries, our shipping team is away between 7/9/2024 and 7/17/2024. Orders received will be shipped on 7/18/2024. Our physical store is opening in this period. To contact us …

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Happy Holiday

4th Jan 2024

Happy Holiday

To celebrate the New Year and catch a break, our physical store is closed between 1/3/2022 and 1/7/2023. We will open on 1/10/2021. Our web store is accepting and orders will be shipped as usual. To c …

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Holiday Closing

29th Dec 2022

Holiday Closing

To celebrate the New Year and catch a break, our physical store is closed between 12/28/2022 and 1/1/2023. We will open on 1/4/2021. Our web store is accepting and orders will be shipped on 1/3/2023 …

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Fourth of July Closing

6th Jul 2022

Fourth of July Closing

To celebrate the Forth of July, our physical store is closed between 7/4 and 7/12. We will open on 7/13. Our web store is still accepting and shipping orders as usual. To contact us, you can email us …

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Holiday Closing

31st Dec 2021

Holiday Closing

To celebrate the New Year and catch a break, our physical store is closed between 12/29/2021 and 1/2/2022. We will open on 1/5/2022. Our web store is still accepting and shipping orders as usual. T …

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